Laravel Version 7- New Features and Benefits
Laravel released it’s 7th version of the framework officially on 3rd March 2020. This version has a lot of cool features and improvements that will help businesses grow seamlessly. This update will provide the bug fixes for the next 6 months ( September 3, 2020 ) and 1 year security fixes ( March 3, 2021). So, let’s move forward to understand the benefits and features of Laravel 7.
How Can Your Business Benefit From Laravel Version 7?
With the Laravel Framework Version 7, your business website is getting an overhaul it deserves. With witty advancements of integral features and addition of several others, Laravel v7 is aimed to improve both the users ‘as well as the developers’ experience. Laravel v7 brings in several features that will amplify the developers’ efforts in creating exceptional websites.
Better Security
Laravel being a PHP framework, is known for its incredible and rocust security. Laravel version 7 is also designed impeccably to safeguard your website and other data from SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting, etc.
Improved Performance
Another factor why businesses choose Laravel is that it never compromises with site performance. Similarly, Laravel v7 aims to set the benchmark even higher by making significant advances in the route caching speeds. This improves a web application’s caching speed, 2x times than the previous version.
Continuous Technical Upgradation
Laravel continuously evolves with changes in industry trends, introduction of new technologies and also incorporates new features to boost your business. For ecommerce websites, keeping up with the pace of technological changes is very essential and is only possible with Laravel 7.
Laravel Eloquent ORM
The Eloquent ORM makes it easier for developers to facilitate the coordination between the application and it’s database easily. It is a great programming technique to efficiently convert data between incompatible system types, making it simpler and faster for the developers to handle the database.
While extending your services to a broader audience, spread across diverse geographical locations, the business website must be multilingual for effective communication with your potential customers. With the Laravel Framework, facilitating your site as a multilingual website is effortless.
Features Of Laravel Version 7
Laravel Airlock
Laravel Airlock provides a seamless authentication system for SPAs (single page applications), mobile applications, and simple, token-based APIs. It allows each user of your application to generate multiple API tokens for their account. These tokens may be granted abilities / scopes which specify actions performed by the tokens.
Custom Eloquent Casts
Laravel has a variety of built-in, helpful cast types. You may now accomplish this by defining a class that implements the CastsAttributes interface. Classes that implement this interface must define a get and set methods. The get method transforms a raw value from the database into a cast value, whereas the set method is responsible for transferring the same value that can be stored in the database.
HTTP Client
Laravel now provides an expressive, minimal API around the Guzzle HTTP client, allowing you to quickly make outgoing HTTP requests to communicate with other web applications.
Route Caching Speed
Laravel 7 has made significant improvements in route caching speeds. Even the large applications will experience 2x speed improvement than Laravel 6.
Blade Component Tags
The blade components in Laravel 7 allow attribute management, component classes, inline view components, tag-based rendering, and much more.
Enhanced Markdown Mail Templates
The default Markdown Mail templates are introduced with a more fresh and improvised look using the Tailwind CSS color palette. Further, you can easily customize and publish these templates as per the needs of your application.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Support
This version also supports first-party Cross-Origin Resource Sharing by integrating Laravel CORS package. The CORS uses additional HTTP headers and alerts the application to access limited resources from another origin.
New Artisan Command
The new command offers an exceptional UX and crucial information on the tests running Moreover, the runner will automatically stop with the first test failure itself.
Multiple Mail Drivers
The configuration of multiple mailers for a single application is now possible. Each mailer configured within an application possess unique options to send specific emails using different email services.
If you are looking for Best Laravel Developers, get in touch with us. Our certified experts develop fast-loaded and fully-secured website to help client reach their goals. Whether it’s building a store from the scratch, integrating a contact form, handling client accounts or setting an admin interface for managing products, our adept team thinks outside the box and provides top-notch solutions that ate specifically tailored for your business.